The appearance of a person is a direct reflection of the internal state of his body. Dr. Mayr’s therapy formed the basis of preventive medicine and became an independent medical practice. Mayr Prevent® is a registered trademark that allows only certified centers and doctors to carry out treatment in accordance with this method.
The members of the association, located on all continents, pay special attention to health and offer a complete reboot in the most beautiful places of the planet. The restorative aspect of recreation and connection with nature are central to the concept of Healing Hotels.
Association is actively engaged in the dissemination and recognition of Ayurveda as a traditional holistic medical system in Europe. Together with the members of the organization, EUAA guarantees the authenticity of the Ayurvedic concept and methods of therapy, promotes the exchange of knowledge and understanding of various Ayurvedic schools. EUAA promotes scientific research in universities and research-oriented research institutes in all fields of Ayurveda to ensure a deep understanding and practice of the principles of Ayurveda in the modern world.
The PreventIon® Institute is the first licensed and leading educational project in Russia specializing in training doctors in new technologies for restoring and strengthening health.
Наша миссия: объединять проекты и людей для сохранения здоровья россиян. Объединение энергии, знаний и усилий экспертов, специалистов и общества для сохранения и увеличения ресурсов здоровья каждого гражданина РФ. Создание публичного общедоступного источника информации о технологиях, специалистах, организациях, проектах в области превентивной и восстановительной медицины, достоверность которых подтверждена научной и деловой репутацией организаторов и экспертов экосистемы.