Module Ayurveda


The module includes a set of well-known Ayurvedic rituals, which are prescribed after consultation with a specialist. The ritual with Kizhi herbal bags helps eliminate toxins, improve blood circulation, helps with joint pain and speeds up recovery after sports training. A ritual with abundant pouring of warm oil «Pizhichil» deeply cleanses the body and promotes rejuvenation at the cellular level. «Udvartanam» has a drainage effect, improves metabolism, and promotes weight loss. Shirodara promotes complete relaxation and helps bring balance to the mind and body through the action of individually selected oils on the third eye area. The Navarakizhi ritual reduces muscle and joint pain, stimulates blood circulation, improves immunity, and saturates the skin with nutrients.


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    The module is intended for everyone who wants to immerse themselves in the practice of Ayurveda and experience the healing effects of natural oils, herbal powders and herbal decoctions.

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    A specially selected set of rituals affects all areas of health, bringing dosha balance — source of vitality and harmony of the psyche, emotions and body.

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    Abundant use of natural oils promotes deep skin nutrition and prevents aging.


Additional check-ups to the program

Кардио Cardio

The check-up is aimed at identifying the metabolic syndrome and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Check-up «Cardio» includes:

Consultations of doctors:
• Primary consultation with a cardiologist;
• Primary consultation with a nutritionist;
• Follow-up consultation with a cardiologist;

Therapy and treatment:
• Consultation with a physical therapy doctor with testing;
• 24-hour ECG monitoring using the Holter method;
• Daily monitoring of arterial pressure;
• Echocardiography (EchoCG);
• Biochemical blood test (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, ALT, AST, LDH, glucose, CRP, CRP (highly sensitive), B12, fibrinogen, prothrombin, APTT, INR, glycosylated hemoglobin, rheumatoid factor, creatine kinase, creatine kinase- MB, homocysteine, troponin I, brain natriuretic peptide, calcium, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, zinc, molybdenum)




Здоровье легких Lungs Health

The check-up is aimed at checking the condition of the respiratory system, which is especially important for those who have had viral diseases. The Lung Health check-up includes:

Consultations of doctors:
• Primary consultation with a pulmonologist;
• Consultation with a physical therapy doctor with testing;

Therapy and treatment:
• Spirometry;
• Biochemical blood test (CRP, CRP (highly sensitive), cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, neurospecific enolase (NSE), cytokeratin 19 (Cyfra 21-1), CEA);
• Measurement of CO in exhaled air




Эндокринологический статус Endocrinological status

The check-up is aimed at identifying a possible hormonal imbalance. The check-up "Endocrinological status" includes:

• Primary consultation with an endocrinologist;
• Follow-up consultation with an endocrinologist;
• Primary consultation with a nutritionist;
• Primary appointment (consultation) with a medical psychologist;
• Therapy and treatment Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands;
• Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs (complex);
• Biochemical blood analysis (HbA1c, proinsulin, insulin, HOMA-IR, C-peptide, ALT, AST, ALP, total bilirubin, urea, creatinine, CRP, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, homocysteine, vitamin 25(OH)D, parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, T4, TSH, antibodies to thyroglobulin, antibodies to thyroperoxidase, ACTH, cortisol, DHEA, prolactin, total testosterone, progesterone, estradiol, FSH, LH, SHBG, leptin);
• General urine analysis (+microalbuminuria)




Персональное питание Personal diet

The “Personal Nutrition” check-up is aimed at building a 100% individual nutrition plan by identifying hidden food intolerances, metabolic characteristics, nutritional status, and genetic predispositions.

Based on the research results, an individual diet with recommended and undesirable foods, diet, water, drinking and salt regime, physical activity and stress management plan is built.




Нарушение сна

Sleep Disorder Checkup aims to identify the cause of the sleep disorder and get a detailed recovery plan. Sleep disorders can significantly reduce quality of life and affect physical and mental health. A thorough body diagnosis can help identify the causes of sleep disorders and address them with a personalized step-by-step treatment plan.





Vladimir Sychev
Vladimir Sychev

I finally had an opportunity to rest for a few days and my choice was Mayrveda sanatorium in Kislovodsk, about which I do not regret at all. My wife and I like everything very much and already want to come back here again, everything is on a very high level, and this is just the beginning!)))

Nino Ninidze
Nino Ninidze

It’s a great kind of vacation to come and get some privacy. I miss it because everyone needs to give themselves at least 5 days to stop and question what they are doing and what they want to do.

And when it’s all together with doctors and certain procedures and everything is very gentle and so much care for my body, a lot of good energy goes up, which should be enough for me for six months.

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Alexandra Savelieva
Alexandra Savelieva

I have long dreamed of going to a sanatorium to rest. With procedures, nutrition, sports... and a daily regimen. Girls choose Dubai and Turkey, and conscious women — Kislovodsk!

There is MAYRVEDA with narzan baths and incredible various massages, Vichy showers, Charcot showers, wraps in flotation couch! And also here you can walk in a robe EVEN in a restaurant. Oh, my gods, this is perfect! I went on to work and keep MAYRVEDA in my heart to definitely come back. Only next time for two or even three weeks!

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Alena Khmelnitskaya
Alena Khmelnitskaya

At MAYRVEDA I had a 5-day program including both detox and various Ayurvedic treatments, massages, baths. The meals take into account the rules of Austrian Mayer therapy and Indian Ayurveda, so the menu indicates the level of nutrition prescribed by the Mayer therapist.

Аnd you can choose a dish according to the doshas — in Ayurveda they are responsible for the balance of energy. The dishes of truly «haute cuisine» are prepared without salt, sugar and gluten, and since I wanted to lose a couple — three kg, they calculated a special diet for me. And I also get enough sleep, go to bed early, drink natural mineral water, do yoga, Nordic walking, swimming.... And also I breathed the fresh air of Kislovodsk, slowed down, cleaned and tightened up! You should definitely find time for your health, and I now I know where to go for that.

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Ivan Zhidkov
Ivan Zhidkov

There came that moment in life 40+ when you feel great alone, in Kislovodsk, in a sanatorium. In all seriousness, MediSpa-hotel MAYRVEDA I really liked it very much! To be honest, I ve never been in a sanatorium of this level. There are absolutely no shortcomings here. I heartily recommend it!


«BLISS!» Detox, proper nutrition, mineral waters of the Caucasus, wellness treatments, and much more — I experienced everything myself after spending a week at the 5* MediSpa-hotel MAYRVEDA. MAYRVEDA is one of the best health hotels in the world for a reason.

Oksana Fedorova
Oksana Fedorova

I am always happy to come back to this amazing place — MediSpa-hotel MAYRVEDA. I come to restore inner calmness and, of course, to bring myself into harmonious shape.
I am a fan of MAYRVEDA also because two concepts — Mayer-therapy and Ayurveda, which consider the human body as a whole, using common approaches to its recovery and restoration, are competently combined here. And here the emphasis is always on the cause of the disease and its source — this is important to prevent the development of other related diseases.

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Larisa Guzeeva
Larisa Guzeeva

They write to me and ask where l am, what is MAYRVEDA? This is a MediSpa-hotel in Kislovodsk, which has everything: Austrian Mayr therapy, Indian Ayurveda, all this is complemented by the freshest narzan and Tambukan mud.

Wonderful place, it looks amazing, nowhere else in Russia can you relax and let go of all your worries, even at home. Meal mode — according to the concept, in a real gourmet restaurant MAYRVEDA Kitchen. The procedures here are effective and only as prescribed by doctors after diagnosis. Thanks to everyone who came up with this — MAYRVEDA employs real specialists who know how to help everyone become the best version of themselves!

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Daria Subbotina
Daria Subbotina

I think I can write a dissertation! "About the benefits of terry robes for mental health." And seriously, it would be good to arrange such a sanatorium-resort regime for yourself every spring.

There is no chance to return from the MediSpa Hotel MAYRVEDA as the same person. Firstly, minus 2 kg. Secondly, minus 2 cm at the waist. And a boost of energy, which I will try very hard not to waste in Moscow. See you soon, MAYRVEDA! Walk a lot, inhale the aromas of barely awakened flowers, eat right, go to procedures, get valuable consultations from doctors, sunbathe on the terrace, breathe mountain air, drink healing tea, take narzan baths, do Ayurvedic massages, swim and go to bed early.

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Sofia Ernst
Sofia Ernst

Spring is a time of renewal. Thank you to MAYRVEDA specialists for helping me recover and put myself in order after a crazy Moscow schedule. Delicious, healthy and beautiful food, mineral waters (naturally). A large number of massages and baths, "Vichy" and "Charcot" showers, drips - and this is only a small part of the procedures aimed at cleansing and revitalizing the body. Very vividly: on the first day during Nordic walking we barely reached the entrance to the park, and on the fifth day we climbed a high mountain. I also met a lot of acquaintances at the hotel and made new useful acquaintances - proper detox unites!

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