Mayr Medicine
Local healing resources

Modern Mayr Therapy

The MAYRVEDA concept includes modern Mayr therapy. It is a European concept of preventive medicine and restoration of natural health according to the method of Austrian doctor F.K. Mayr. It is approved by the Russian Ministry of Health and used in the best health centers in the world. This method is based on the normalization of all systems of the body through the purification of the gastrointestinal tract and a special diet in combination with a healthy lifestyle.

We are a certified of the International Society of Mayr Therapists.

«We developed the concept of MAYRVEDA as an amalgamation of modern Austrian Mayr therapy and the most ancient medical teachings, Ayurveda.»

Dr. Sepp Fegerl,
President and co-founder of the International Society of Mayr Therapists



Ayurveda is the oldest Indian knowledge of medicine and health, not only physical but also psychological and spiritual. Specialists of Ayurveda consider a person as a whole and eliminate the root causes of diseases, not only their symptoms.

MAYRVEDA is a member of  and all Ayurveda specialists received their professional training in Kerala, the homeland of Ayurveda.

«We determine the guest’s constitution according to Ayurveda, including the type of Dosha and make an individual wellness plan based on the results of Ayurvedic diagnostics and recommendations of Mayr therapist».

Dr. Renjith Murugan,
Head of Ayurveda at MAYRVEDA


«We determine the guest’s constitution according to Ayurveda, including the type of Dosha and make an individual wellness plan based on the results of Ayurvedic diagnostics and recommendations of Mayr therapist».

Dr. Renjith Murugan,
Head of Ayurveda at MAYRVEDA

Local natural resources with healing properties

MAYRVEDA Kislovodsk is located in . This is a unique climatic zone in the foothills of the Elbrus Mountains at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level. The largest in Europe man-made Kislovodsk National Park is within walking distance from the MediSpa-hotel. Natural narzan and other mineral waters from the springs are also available in the budget of MAYRVEDA Kislovodsk. The therapeutic muds of high mineralization from Tambukan Lake, whose composition is similar to the muds of the Dead Sea, are used for the procedures.



MAYRVEDA Kitchen is a  with an individual approach to the menu, where a personalized nutrition plan is made for each guest, based on the results of diagnosis and doctors’ conclusions. Meals are composed not only by the usual set of calories, but also balanced by the composition of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and micronutrients. Meals are prepared in a special way, preserving maximum nutrients, each dish has its own individual temperature and cooking mode, and the cooks at MAYRVEDA Kitchen start preparing the dish the moment the guest arrives.


«Мы определяем конституцию гостя по аюрведе, включая тип Доши, и составляем индивидуальный план оздоровления, основываясь на результатах аюрведической диагностики и рекоменданциях майер-терапевта»

Доктор Вигнесвар Виной, руководитель направления аюрведы в MAYRVEDA



MediSpa offices


medical specialties



Unique recovery and wellness methods combined with cutting-edge diagnostic and treatment capabilities on state-of-the-art equipment and a premium level of service.


Basic principles of the MAYRVEDA concept

1. Diagnosis

An in-depth examination of the body, combined with innovative diagnostic methods, involving Dr. Mayr therapists and Ayurveda specialists, makes it possible to determine functional disorders and risk factors long before the disease occurs and prevent it, even at an early stage

2. Detox

A highly effective detox promotes cell regeneration and repair according to the basic principles of Meyer Medicine and Ayurveda. We support detoxification in all ways: through the liver, biliary tract, lungs, kidneys and skin

3. Finding Physical and Spiritual Balance

Finding physical and spiritual balance improves the body’s metabolic processes, stimulates the mitochondria, the energy station of the body’s cells, and energizes and invigorates. Favorable environment promotes lightness and relief from stress. A restoring microflora according to the principles of MAYRVEDA Kitchen will improve the general condition of the body while maintaining the prescribed diet

4. Restoring Natural Beauty

Dr. F.K. Mayr said that good health is the key to inner and outer beauty. A healthy intestine, a proper diet, and a good mood, combined with Ayurvedic practices, produce quick, tangible results

5. Lifestyle modification

Lifestyle modification allows you to form a conscious attitude towards your health, to find physical and spiritual harmony and learn how to apply this knowledge in everyday life. Once the body, mind and soul are restored — you understand the needs of your body. It helps to be inspired to be creative and focus on the really important things in life


The principles of 4P Medicine

MAYRVEDA principles are consistent with the 4P health care concept, a new vector of health care system development in the Russian Federation:

  • Personalisation — individual approach to each guest
  • Prediction — identification of predisposition to disease development
  • Prevention — prevention of risk of disease development and appearance
  • Participation — active participation of person in prevention of possible diseases and their treatment

Reasons to visit MAYRVEDA

Gastroenterology and diet
Risk identification
Biological age

The guest's path

A week before your stay at MAYRVEDA Kislovodsk, you will be contacted by your therapist, who will clarify your personal wellness goals and any contraindications. A MAYRVEDA One personal assistant will help you prepare for your visit, plan your schedule, and keep track of important details. Your journey to good health begins with a comprehensive in-depth diagnosis. You will undergo various instrumental and laboratory examinations, bioimpedance testing, Mayr and Ayurveda diagnostics. You will also undergo genetic testing, examination of skin, hair and nails.

Then on the base of your wishes and personalized recommendations by a specialist of Ayurveda and Mayr therapist you will choose a program of nutrition in the haute cuisine restaurant MAYRVEDA Kitchen.

The individual wellness program will include medical and SPA procedures, group and individual sport activities, interactive lectures and master-classes.

After completing the program, our doctors will continue to accompany you on your journey to a better version of yourself.


Achievements of our guests

  • –8 kg
  • improved posture
  • increased energy levels
Valentina, 32 years old

Result in 21 days on the program

  • –8 kg
  • gone irritability
  • increased energy levels
Vladimir, 21 years old

Result in 21 days on the program

  • –3 cm waist
  • improved digestion
  • increased energy levels
Olga, 57 years old

Result in 21 days on the program

  • –7 kg
  • increase in general tone
  • increased energy levels
Alexander, 54 years old

Result in 14 days on the program

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